Joana on the run!

Joana Martinho

( Member of team: Xeltis )

from €100 (0%)
0 m Covered
My goal 10 km | Reached 0%

Help me to support the Dutch Kidney Foundation and to improve patients' lives!

As an engineer at Xeltis, I work on artificial blood vessels which can be used as access for dialysis treatment. Once implanted, it slowly integrates with the body, serving as a scaffold for the body's own tissues to grow upon. Over time, a new, living blood vessel is formed, alleviating the complications that frequent punctures often bring.

But this journey is far from over. Together with the Dutch Kidney Foundation, Xeltis is organizing a pivotal fundraising event on March 20th. With the collective support of our 50 Xeltis employees, we aspire to raise a minimum of €5,000. It is a sum that may seem small in the grand scheme of things, but it holds the power to create a seismic impact on the lives of kidney patients.

I have taken up the challenge to participate in the fundraising event and run 10 km! You can help me to raise funds for the Dutch Kidney Foundation and improve and save patients' lives!