Xeltis On the Move!!

Clinical Team

( Member of team: Xeltis )

from €1,000 (44%)

As part of the clinical team, we frequently meet patients who need dialysis. We see all complications they experience, and the struggles they go through regularly. We are reminded daily how brave our patients are, and therefore would like to help improve their quality of life as much as possible. This is why we are participating as a team in this fundraiser to collect money for the Dutch kidney organization.

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€200 11-03-2024 | 00:52 We believe in the importance of advancing awareness and research in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). This is a silent threat that affects millions worldwide, significantly impacting the quality of life of those diagnosed and their families. By contributing to this cause, we aim to support the ongoing research and development of innovative treatments and potentially life-saving tteatments. The involvement of Xeltis, a company known for its commitment to improving healthcare through novel medical devices, in organizing this event underscores the potential for groundbreaking advancements in treating or managing CKD. Our donation is a gesture of hope and support towards the collective effort to combat this disease, emphasizing the need for more awareness, early detection, and innovative solutions in the healthcare community.
€20 04-03-2024 | 22:36
€20 04-03-2024 | 16:39
€10 04-03-2024 | 10:43
€25 01-03-2024 | 01:17