Fifty-two thousand steps towards a world without kidney disease
Nelleke van der Voort( Member of team: Nephrolopers )
Still to go
Ten years ago, my cousin Frank donated one of his kidneys to my sister and saved her life.
Today, I want to celebrate him by running my first marathon in his honour and raise money for research into Kidney Decease in the hope that we can achieve a world where nobody loses their kidney function and needs to rely on machine dialysis or a donated kidney.
This Marathon will be held in Amsterdam, on the 20th of October (Amsterdam Marathon 2024)
The Nierstichting has been a great help for my sister as she navigated her decease and now her life with a donor kidney. Check out what she has been doing with those extra years to make Groningen a greener place Biodiversity at the University of Groningen
For those of you not used to Euros: EUR 1 ≈ USD 1.11 ≈ GBP 0.84 (current exchange rate)
Do more, gain more:
Anybody who donates more than 1 Euro per km I will run that day (€42.20, approximately, $47 or £36) before the 17th of October will be entered into a raffle. The winner will get to chose between an extra €100 ( $111) donation in their name by me, or $100 towards the sport gadget of their choice.
Let's make this the biggest single fundraiser for the Nierstiching this fall!